Satellite Info

has its own fully redundant state of the art Satellite Earth Station. The earth station is used to broadcast 's digital signal to Telstar 10 satellite. This Satellite has a huge coverage area across Asia and Africa and well into Europe.

's Satellite downlink parameters

 Satellite  Telstar 10
 Orbital Location  76.5� E
 Transponder  C14A
 Downlink Polarization  Horizontal
 Modulation  QPSK
 Downlink Frequency  4173 MHz
 L-Band Frequency  977 MHz
 Carrier Type  MPEG-2 / DVB
 Symbol Rate  7.400 MS/s
 FEC  3/4
 PMT PID  33
 PCR PID  8189
 Video PID  309
 Audio-1 PID  258
 Audio-2 PID  259
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